Internet forums

There are too many internet forums and Facebook groups to list here, but here are a few examples of useful sources of information on deafness and cochlear implants.

No 9 Parent Place (NDCS) and then click on the appropriate link. Topics cover all aspects of parenting a deaf child, not just cochlear implantation.

Facebook Groups

Pimp my hearing aids and cochlear implants

Information on customising hearing aids and sound processors

BSL. British. Sign. Language

Breaking down communication barriers and offers online courses on BSL

The Limping Chicken

News, features and opinion on deaf issues and culture in the UK

CI Experiences

A group where people can share their CI experiences, ask questions, share information with people who are considering one or who have one (or are guardians of CI users)

Cochlear Implant Rehabilitation

All CI users and guardians help through the learning process of having a CI, exchange information, experience, advice and tips.